Abstract Guidelines

Short Abstract

  • One-page limit, A4 size (210 x 297 mm).
  • All of the text must fit on the first page, as outlined in the sample abstract.
  • Make sure that all figures and photographs are well visible. If the program committees cannot see and understand the role of the visual material included in the abstract, the material and consequently the abstract likely will be viewed negatively.
  • The submission should be a PDF file with these specifications:
    • One-column layout.
    • Times New Roman font.
    • Title: 12 points, bold, with ALL CAPS;
    • Affiliations: 11 points, regular, corresponding author is underlined.
    • Corresponding author’s email: 10 points, regular;
    • Section Headers – numbered 1, 1.1.,…H1 – 12 points, bold, H2 – 12 points, regular
    • Text body: 11 points, regular; paragraphs without indent (bullet points)
    • Image captions: 10 points, regular;
    • Table captions: 10 points, regular; tables: 10 points, regular;
    • References: 10 points, regular, numbered in [ ], must be in ISO-690 format.
  • Once accepted, the short abstract will be returned to the author to be expanded into a version that will subsequently be published in the conference proceedings.

An example of a short abstract is available in Word and in PDF (the submission needs to be done as a PDF).

NOTE: The extended abstract is required in the standard IEEE format, page size A4. If you prefer to do so, you can follow the IEEE format already in the Short Abstract, but it is not necessary.

NOTE: The submission system allows only one abstract per person. If you wish to present two abstracts, please send the second one to ivnc24@isibrno.cz. Please include the abstract title, paper category, and presentation preference (poster or oral presentation) in the email. Thank you!

Upon acceptance of your abstract, it should be understood that:

  1. An author of the paper is required to register and present your paper at IVNC 2024. No more than two papers can be presented by the same person, and the presenter must be the author of the paper.
  2. You are required to submit a two-page Extended Manuscript and copyright form by the date outlined in the acceptance letter.
  3. Registration will be completed and paid upon submission of the final manuscript by the date outlined in the acceptance letter.

Extended Abstract

  • The extended abstract should follow IEEE guidelines for manuscript of conference proceedings.
  • Two-page limit, A4 size (210 x 297 mm).
  • Please note that the proceedings with extended abstracts will be printed in B5 format (176 x 250 mm).
  • The submission needs to be done in both DOCX (or LaTeX) and PDF, where PDF serves as a reference.
  • The manuscript template can be downloaded HERE.
  • IMPORTANT: The extended abstract file name should be in the form Yourname_numberoftheabstract_nameofthepaper. (yourname= surname, numberoftheabstract = abs1, abs2, in case you have one or two abstracts, nameofthepaper = first 5 words of the paper’s name is enough).

NOTE: The submission system allows only one abstract per person. If you wish to present two abstracts, please send the second one to ivnc24@isibrno.cz. Please include the abstract title, paper category, and presentation preference (poster or oral presentation) in the email. Thank you!